“Maryellen, it’s Karen from the Montessori.”
“We have Nate in the office with us, he’s OK, but we have a situation.”
‘We’ve already called Mark and he’s on his way with his tools.”
“Noooo, not the tools…what happened?”
“Nate got his finger stuck in his clipboard.”
“I beg your pardon? It sounded like you said Nate got his finger stuck in his clipboard.”
“That’s what I said. It’s swollen up and we can’t get it out of the clipboard.”
“I’ll be right there.”
I threw on my clothes, (Yes, I was still in my Pajamas…don’t judge me.) grabbed my camera, (Ask for a blog and you shall receive) and jumped in the car. The school is only a block and a half away, but I went to the gym yesterday and now I can’t move my limbs.
When I ran into the office, this is what I saw:
My son had stuck his finger in the metal hole on his clipboard and couldn’t get it out. My mind was flooded with news stories and urban legends of grown men that had stuck things where they shouldn’t have and were stuck – trying to cover their faces from the news cameras as EMTs fought back their laughter while they tried in vain to free the idiots. Please tell me clipboards wasn’t how they started.
“Nate, are you OK?”
“Yeah, it hurts but I’m not crying anymore. The best part is…at least I already had my snack!”
I took over the ice application and tried to cheer him up.
“Hey, Nate…do you think this would be a good story for my blog?”
“Only if I get my finger out, otherwise, it won’t be too funny.”
“You make a very good point, my son. Oh look…Daddy’s here with all 37 of his cutter tools.”
With the help of our amazing school director, Karen Simon (I had to take photos, of course) Mark starts the operation:
Karen steadies the clipboard, Nate grimaces and Mark tries to hide his excitement that he’s getting to use his new cutter tool.
The worst part was my hurried text to my Mom:
“Ma, Nate got his finger stuck in his clipboard and we had to cut it off!!”
Needless to say, my Mother thought we cut off our son’s finger to save the clipboard.
No Comments “911 Call From My Sons’ School…”
What a great way to wake up this morning. With a laugh from you. I’m glad you asked Nate first if you could blog about it, your a good mommy, and of course a good blogger because you grabbed your camera before you left. =)
Great story. I teach at a Montessori school and will think of this when ever the kids are grabbing clipboards!
AhI the life of Mom’s, Dad.s and teachers!