A stand-up view of marriage, motherhood & life

A little Magic at the Kingdom…

Mark’s a consultant Art Director for Disney. What’s that mean? That means we have to buy our own health insurance, we have to buy season passes to get into all the parks  just like all the rest of you regular Joes and Mickey left my kid hanging when he went to give the mouse a high-five.

It’s funny how many times we’ve gone to the parks this month already…since we’ve realized our passes expire the end of this month! Somehow, we’ve got to get our money’s worth. It doesn’t matter that it’s almost  100 degrees with 99% humidity…it’s only free until the end of the month! Stop whining, Mark…you’ve lost 27 pounds already and it’s only 11am. Wipe up that puddle of sweat you’re sitting in and let’s go! The fun’s not gonna have itself!

It truly was a death march. When you start thinking, “Sure, it’s totally worth $47. for one of those fan spray bottles…”  it’s time to go home.

But then we had one of those “Magical Disney Moments” the company paid advertisers to come with. Pinocchio was out for a meet ‘n greet but he was hidden behind lots of lattice. I spotted him and was shocked to see there was NO LINE to meet him! “GET THE KIDS…GET THE CAMERA!” I screamed at the puddle that use to be Mark. We had a private Pinocchio encounter that was worth the price of the season passes:

Pinochio challenged Zeke and Nate to a race: "On your Mark...get set...Go!
The race is on! It's a close one...may be a photo finish...
The race is on! It's a close one...may be a photo finish...
OH NO! The wooden kid trips the real kid with his big-ass shoe!
OH NO! The wooden kid trips the real kid with his big-ass shoe!

Zeke won. Luckily, he fell forward over the finish line. Pinocchio apologized (at least I think he did…he’s not allowed to talk, so he was grabbing his head with his hands and shaking back and forth. Maybe he was gesturing, “Oh, no! There goes my cushy meet ‘n greet job…back to CEO of Disney!”)

I thought all was forgiven…then we posed for our photo with Pinocchio:

Revenge is sweet, puppet-boy!
Revenge is sweet, puppet-boy!

Mark and I have come up with soooo many captions for this photo…we’ve laughed till our sides hurt! But I’m not gonna post them…not yet. I want you all to post yours first. Come on…I dare ya! Make me laugh! (but please remember that this is my darling son…) Just leave your captions in the comments for this post. Mark and I will pick a winner 6/30/09 (when our passes expire!) and send a little gift.

On your mark (or as Nate says, “Are you Mark?) get set…comment!

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