I know… a lot of people stick their noses up at the “Hallmark” holiday that Valentines has become. I get it…the isles of stuffed bears, fake flowers and crappy hearts that show up in stores right after New Years are NOT romantic but extremely icky. HOWEVER, getting store-bought valentines in […]
Holiday Hoopla
As a Mom, you know your kid has several cries. There’s the “I’m tired and hungry” cry, the “He took my light saber and I want it back” cry and the “My heart is truly broken” cry. That one is real and it makes ME cry when it […]
…has been what both my boys have been chanting for over a month. “But you’ve NEVER been fishing!” has been my response over a billion times. I had no idea where this was coming from. I can’t remember anyone fishing in any of their shows, video games or books. When […]
I think there are 2 kinds of people in the world, those who love the Elf On the Shelf, and those who think he’s creepy. You should find out which your mate is before you agree to marry. It could very well be a deal breaker. Luckily, Mark and I […]
I’m falling behind on my “holiday list of things to do” but I guess who isn’t? My brother wanted us to meet his family at Legoland because he got free tickets that expire this month. (That’s how we decide our activities in my family… which coupon’s going to expire?) I […]
Scene opens on my 2 boys watching a holiday special. A commercial for Dora The Explorer’s castle comes on: Zeke: Nate, look how awesome that is!!! Nate: Uh huh… Zeke: Nate, we should ask Santa for that!!! Nate: Zeke!!! We can’t ask Santa for that… Zeke: Why not? Nate: Because…IT’S […]