…and it was beautiful. At dinner, my family was talking about the memorial: “What did you think about Noah’s Life Celebration, Zeke?” “Good.” “What was your favorite part?” “Seeing all Noah’s Lego guys right in front of my face.” “What did you think about it, Nate?” “It was fun AND […]
My Friends
My very talented and even nicer friend, John Matta has been drawing hysterical comics on napkins. He’s vowed to draw one a day for an entire year. I helped him today: MATTA NAPKIN Go see the funny, poignant and very bad penmanship of my napkin. PS Thanks for asking, Matta. […]
…our dreams, shattered. www.Jedinoah.wordpress.com In Lieu of cards, gifts or flowers…PLEASE donate to www.Noahslightfoundation.org Our fight is NOT over!
…and makes $30,000. for good measure! Noah and I share the mike at station 96.5 WDBO. (thanks, Carl!) I was reminded to never share the stage with kids or animals…Noah stole the show: “Knock knock” “Who’s there?” “Noah” “Noah who?” “No-any good jokes?” And a special shout out to Mix […]
I will admit some fault. I did choose 2 days before Halloween to change my hair color. None-the-less… Being asked by SEVERAL women, “Wow! You really go all out for Halloween, huh?” still felt like a sucker punch to the gut. Thanks, “Sistas”. Way to make a girlfriend feel “Witchy”. […]