Don’t judge a Christmas gift by it’s box… Christmas is more like Hanukkah in our house. Gifts start arriving in the mail from friends and family weeks before the 25th so we let the boys open one package a day. (That and the fact that Nate is enamored with the Shamas candle […]
Sometimes you make a new friend just in the nick of time… I was a new Mom. I didn’t know anything except what I had read in books and what strangers yelled at me from across the library at storytime: “What kind of Mother ARE you? Don’t you know carrying your […]
I hate snakes. No, “hate” isn’t a strong enough word. I loathe snakes? Despise snakes? Nope. That doesn’t cover it. I think maybe it’s more in the fear family: I think every snake was put on this Earth to search me out and kill me in my sleep? Yup. That covers […]
OK, so I’ve started to write the first post in my blog several thousand times…in my head. And that’s exactly how I’ve lived my entire life…several thousand/million drafts of everything in my head before going forward with any of them (if I ever do attempt them). I’m embarrassed to admit […]