It all started many, many moons ago. I was 18 and on a date.The date took me to Medieval Times, so really it was his fault. It was completely his idea to bring me to a place where handsome young guys dressed as knights ride white stallions (in slow […]
And to all my naysayers I say, “HA!” Didn’t think I could do it, huh? Who am I kidding…I didn’t think I could do it. When the perspective new “parents” came over to meet Willow, she started barking at the husband like he was a mass murderer. “Uh, oh…” I […]
“Mark, what is that smell?!!” “I didn’t do it!” “No! Not that kind of smell…it’s coming from the laundry room…it smells like when the Diaper Genie was full and needed to be emptied.” “That’s pretty specific. Let me smell it. (sniff) Ugh! It smells like a dead something. Something died.” […]
NO POOP ON MY PORCH TODAY!!!!! HORAH!! Either my sign worked, or they’re still plotting their next move. I would give a thousand bucks to have seen their face when they walked up with a fist full of dog poop and read my sign. (evil giggle) Side note: When Zeke […]
Not everyone is a dog person. I get that. But what kind of sad and miserable life must you have had to become such a vindictive, curmudgeon that you feel the need to bag up dog poop and place it on someone’s doorstep?! I mean, come on!!!! First, I should […]
We got an email from our friends at Poodle and Pooch Rescue with this photo: They were asking families that had adopted from them before, if anyone had room in their homes and hearts to foster her while they looked for her “forever family”. Are you kidding me?!! How […]