“Mommy… can you help me please?” “Sure, Zeke! What do you need?” “I can’t find my white Clone Trooper helmet for my Lego guy.” “The white Clone Trooper helmet that’s the size of a pea located somewhere in that pile of Legos the size of a haystack?” “I really need […]
“Mommyyyyyy…..I have to go pottyyyyyy…” “OK, Zeke – I’m coming.” I’m quite used to the 1 am potty break my kids have written into their contract riders. They LOVE them. I think it’s not so much about the potty, but more about the alone-time with Mommy. They know that asking […]
When Nate was 5 and Zeke was 2, we took them for what we thought would be a fun-filled day at the zoo. We were wrong. Now, I’m telling you this story because I wish someone would have told me. SPRING is not a good time to take your kids […]
Zeke has a “covers-his-ears” issue. It’s been with us for a couple of years now. Funny how quirks get accepted by family members and even enabled. Case and point: Mark was trying to involve the boys in some tool-time, fixing around the house. Nate’s ladder up to his bed was […]
is Mommy in the kitchen?” “Uhhh…yes she is. Nate, stay here.” “What happened? Honey, are you OK?” “Yeah, I’m OK…but dinner may taste a little – sharp” “What was it?” “(Sigh) Vegetarian roast with a glass glaze.” “Oh. Chinese Buffet?” “I’ll get the kids.” “I’ll get the car.”
“Mommy! Come look…I gelled my hair all by myself! “Whoa…Wow…yes you did. You gelled the heck out of your hair, Nate. Uhhh…how much gel did you use?” “All of it.”