Comedy in a tent at a music festival? Yeah, that’s what I thought. But sometimes you do things in life for the perks: 1. I get to go to Ottawa and hang out with some of my comedy pals. 2. I get to sleep as late as I want and […]
On the Road
Apparently, I’m a social media mom. Who knew? Disney, for starters. When they asked me to perform at the conference, I’ll admit I had never heard that term before. “We think since you’re a SMM, you’d be perfect!” “I beg your pardon? What did you just call me?” After meeting […]
The glamorous life on tour: Cleveland in January. 9 degrees. Ice, lots of ice. With the exception of the couple that lived in the building across from my hotel that left their blinds open 24/7 for the entire world to see “nature”…it was a really lonely weekend away from my […]
I’m sitting in the bowels of a cruise ship right now. In the crew internet corner of the crew mess (That’s an adjective, not a noun.) I’m working on the NCL Pearl this week. I love you all and love blogging to you but I can’t afford what they charge […]
Originally, we had planned this trip with the Larkins. Their kids have never seen snow and we thought it would be so much fun to take all the kids sledding. When they had to back out of the trip to take care of Noah, we were all so disappointed. (THAT’S […]
One of the best perks of my job is performing in some of the most beautiful places on earth. This week is one of them. Lake Tahoe takes my breath away every time I’ve been here. Granted, it’s altitude accounts for some of my breathlessness. “Nate…come look out the window! […]