When Mark told me he was doing some work on the newest Disney ship called “The Dream” and we were all going on for 4 days, the last thing I ever thought I’d have to say to my kids was, “Are you alright? Are you having a fun?” Zeke has […]
…That’s the lead in I heard the news anchor saying in my head when the chicken landed on my head and went berserk. Children started running and screaming, “The chicken is on her back! He’s going to peck her face off!” Not my children, other people’s children. My children were […]
It doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are or where you come from…Disney has something for you. I decided to spend my birthday there with my brother and his family. He wanted to do Chuck E. Cheese, but I put my birthday foot down. A group of eight […]
While most of the country is getting ready to go inside their homes to hunker down for the winter, us Floridians are coming out of our summer hibernation. When the temperature hovers around 98 degrees with 100% humidity, you stay inside for 4 months eating popsicles for dinner in your […]
As soon as I moved to Celebration, FL, I hooked up with the local “Mommy & Me” group. It wasn’t easy…I felt like I was looking for drugs. “Psst…excuse me…I see you have a kid, can you hook me up? I need a fix real bad. I’ve been with my […]
My birthday was in March. What did my brother get me for my birthday that was 7 months ago? U2 tickets! Wow! Talk about anticipation. “Here’s your gift…it’s in 6 months.” Originally, he bought these tickets for himself. Ticketmaster told him they were the best seats still available so he […]