…to give parenting advise/help to Moms. I don’t think they knew who they were asking. See if this video helps you…and let me know if it’s even legal. http://www.workingmother.com/content/comedian-maryellen-hooper
Not figuratively…literally. I said, “Thank you, goodnight!” and fell off the stage. I guess it was bound to happen. I’ve been doing comedy for a billion years and the odds were stacking up against me. I named my first CD “Dignity Under Duress” for a reason…I have, eh-hem, mishaps. The […]
OK so I was a guest blogger for Mother’s Day awhile back. They thought it was worth reposting so here ya go: (warning…it’s not your usual warm-and-squishy take on the day) “Campaign To Abolish Mother’s Day!”
We’ve been getting lots of art from our 6 yr old. It’s actually quite good for his age. perspective, colors, shading… Notice the fancy “Z”? His Dad and I are quite proud and hang most on the fridge gallery. Fast forward to last Thurs. Zeke came home from school with […]
It started off so well… Nate came into my bedroom one morning, about a month before his birthday, “Mommy…I want a surprise party for my birthday this year.” then waved his hands in front of his face and chanted, “I didn’t hear anything…I didn’t hear anything…” as he backed out of […]
That statement is never followed by good stuff. “Mommy, I need help carrying this present I made you.” Or “Mommy, I need help putting away all these dishes I washed. It’s always, “Mommy, I need help putting all the water back into the toilet.” Or “Mommy, I need help gluing […]