A stand-up view of marriage, motherhood & life

Date Night…U2!

My birthday was in March. What did my brother get me for my birthday that was 7 months ago? U2 tickets! Wow! Talk about anticipation. “Here’s your gift…it’s in 6 months.”
U2's space ship stage. I thought it was a bug.
U2's space ship stage. I thought it was a bug.

Originally, he bought these tickets for himself. Ticketmaster told him they were the best seats still available so he grabbed them. Then he called them back in a few hours (just to see) and was told that there were “way better seats now available”. So he bought those and gave Mark and I the first ones. (It’s the thought that counts.)

The concert was at Raymond James Stadium, home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. There were over 70,000 people there. That’s an all time record for the stadium. (FYI the Super Bowl was there last year!)

When we handed the usher our tickets, she said, “Take the escalator up as far as it goes…then start walking up the stairs. When your nose starts to bleed…you’re half-way there.”

But guess what? My Mom watched the boys for us so Mark and I could go to the concert! Out at night with no kids = great time! We could have been at our own tax audit and we would have had a relaxing time. Add that with U2’s great performance and we were actually holding hands and smooching a little!

This is the view from our seats for the first 2 songs...
This is the view from our seats for the first 2 songs...
Then the owners of the empty seats in front of us showed up...I'm guessing 6'4".

Hard to make out? Here…let me use the flash:

Mark thought I was being romantic when I laid my head on his shoulder...I was just trying to see around the human wall.
Mark thought I was being romantic when I laid my head on his shoulder...I was just trying to see around the human wall.

Mark and I aren’t sports fans, so we’ve never been to this stadium before. I was surprised to see an entire Pirate ship wedged into the upper decks of seats.

Look how happy we are! It didn't even matter that it was 97 degrees at 10:30 pm! We were kid-less for 7 hours!
Look how happy we are! It didn't even matter that it was 97 degrees at 10:30 pm! We were kid-less for 7 hours!

I just kept looking at Mark.


“Nothing. I’m just looking at you.”


“Because I can. No distractions. Hey…”


“I love you.”

“Sure, you say that now…wait till we’re home and THEY wake up…then let’s see you say that.”

“That’s why I’m saying it now…”

The concert may be over but the effects of "Date Night" will be enjoyed by all who have to live with us.

Thanks, Scott & Melody…I enjoyed having my birthday in Oct. this year!

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