A group of eight can be tricky to entertain, especially with 4 kids of varying ages. Not at Disney. While Nate and his cousins fought off Darth Vader & Darth Maul (yes, again.) my 2-year-old, Zeke found his own fun:

There was one HUGE difference in this trip that made it more magical than even I could have ever imagined:

Take all the Disney magic, excitement, fun and politeness….give him the power to stop whining kids in a single bound…top it off with the ability to jump long lines…wrap it all up in a plaid vest and you have our VIP tour guide for the day (drum roll please) FRANKIE!
Let’s just say Disney will never be the same for us again because once you’ve had Frankie…there’s just no going back.

How many people have ever spent 12 hours in 2 different Disney Parks with four kids under 8 with no whining, crying, fighting or meltdowns? WE DID! How? Frankie.
And when the day was over…he read us all a story and tucked us into bed where our dreams were filled with the most magical day at Disney EVER! (OK…maybe I dreamed that last part but it sure felt real.)
Thank you Frankie for treating my crazy family like royalty…
and thank you Disney…for the magic that never gets old at any age.
No Comments “Disney Magic…”
Sounds fantastic… I want a Frankie for my next visit to Disney, which is going to be this weekend. We will be going to EPCOT for the Flower & Garden show to see the Flower Power concert. I love this time of year.
Hope to get good seats for your benefit at the high school on the 14th. HUGS!!
Lucky girl! Are you even kidding me? You got a private tour guide this trip?
You are going to be so spoiled now!