Here’s the scene: Nate was getting his very first trophy for playing T-Ball. It was very informal. We were all standing around a picnic table at a park. The coach said a little something about each player before he handed them their trophy and everyone clapped for that player. When he finished the last player and the clapping died down I simply said, “Hey, team…let’s hear it for Coach T! Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray! And Nate spun his head around and glared at me, “Maaaaaaaaaaam!” and he put his 5 1/2 year old finger to his lips and said, “Shhhhhh!” I new it would happen someday, but really? Hip, hip hooray was the deal breaker? I’m thinking that kid better toughen up…does he know what I do for a living?

Just wait till he hears me barking like Arsenio Hall at his Kindergarten graduation this week.
No Comments “I embarrassed my eldest son for the first time…”
Oh Maryellen You crack me up! Just wait you have so many yet to come! Wait till he asked you to drop him off a block from school so no one see’s you? Or when he doesn’t want you to kiss him anymore. LOL! I just loved to embarass my kids! Have fun with it!
Smile, Halene
Thanks for the peek into my future, Halene! Why did we want to become parents again? The unconditional love? No that’s not it. To be appreciated for everything we do? Yeah, right.
When I saw the title of your post, Maryellen, the first thing I thought was – “Good for you!!”
Then I kept reading and couldn’t stop laughing. Then I read Halene’s comment and kept laughing because I remembered all those same things happening with my boys.
Gotta love the kiddies.
You are in for so much fun!!
So, it’s unavoidable. Is that what you all are telling me? I keep telling myself it will get better and everyone else tells me the opposite. YIKES!
At least you didn’t say “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”… Nate needs to appreciate your restraint.