I was so thrilled to be asked to guest blog at one of my favorite blogs: Rural Mom.
“Sending My Baby Off to School is Making Me Cry…”
Thanks, Barb…you were my first and a girl never forgets her first.
I was so thrilled to be asked to guest blog at one of my favorite blogs: Rural Mom.
“Sending My Baby Off to School is Making Me Cry…”
Thanks, Barb…you were my first and a girl never forgets her first.
4 thoughts on “I’m a Guest Blogger…(tee-hee)”
Loved your post… hope everybody is well in your house. Don’t know where you find the time to do all you do.
I know you see Amber all the time, please give her and the rest of the family my love and let me know if I can do anything.
thanks, Lorie. Sometimes I feel like I’m talking to you when I write! Thanks for the comments. Amber and Dennis send their love back at cha.
So glad I could be your first, I will always remember this moment, too. Tee hee.
Absolutely adore you and your humor, you are welcome to repeat the experience anytime.
Rural Mom