It started out as a neighborhood, “Hey, kids…let’s put on a show!” and grew into a major productions with all the bells and whistles. Nationally touring bands and comedians performed, radio stations got involved and silent auction items fell from the sky. It was an amazing show of love and support for Noah and his family, while everyone had a great time dancing, laughing and shopping.

Amber was poised and gracious…I don’t know how she does it. All I know is that when I grow up, I want to be just like her.

It was really fun for me to share the stage with my brother, Scott. He’s been a drummer his entire life and I’ve been a… well…a…I’ve been performing in some way or another all my life and this is the first time we’ve ever been in the same show. Pretty cool. Of course let the record show that he was MY opening act! Ha!
Channel Z was awesome. Everyone loved their covers of hits old and new. Then my dear friend, Helen took the stage and really shook up our little town of Celebration. She gave us an outsider’s perspective and made us all laugh at ourselves. If you missed it or want more, Helen will be Headlining at the Tampa Improv for Cinco De Mayo.
Then one of my oldest friends in comedy (uh…that came out wrong…one of my dearest friends in comedy that I’ve known the longest…) Lynn Trefzger came on with all her puppet “friends”. She has amazed me for years. I’ve seen her show a million times and it still makes me laugh.

I have to tell you what Lynn did. In addition to volunteering her performance like Channel Z and Helen Keaney did, I brought Lynn over to meet Noah and his sister, Landin. She brought one of her puppets, Cloe and proceeded to make those children laugh non-stop for over an hour. Cloe even tucked Landin into bed! That was truly above and beyond, Lynn…thank you.

The evening was a success. We made over $4000. in ticket sales and concession and are still waiting for the final count from the Silent auction company (unless he left the country with the money). We told the Larkins we love them, we raised awareness for the cause and had a wonderful night out without the kids!
To everyone who had their hand in this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am humbled by your generosity and compassion.
No Comments “Just getting over a benefit hangover…”
Sounds like it turm out to be a great night!!! I wish I could of been there to support this great cause!!!You go girl!!!!
The entire evening was spectacular. I have NEVER laughed so hard in all my life! I too want to say thank you to you my dear friend, Maryellen for all YOUR hard work for the event and for asking your friends to participate.
Amber is a remarkable woman and I was truly honored to meet her.
I am so glad you were able to raise as much money as you did.
Love & hugs!!
Lorie, I’m just so glad you’re part of my Celebration family, now!
congrats, maryellen! what a fantastic show, for a more than worthy cause! <3
Thanks, kendra. Performing for all the parents at my son’s school was kinda weird. I feel all exposed now. Kinda like that dream when you’re at school naked. ew.
What a fantastic event.. you are awesome!! What happened to Heath? I wish I could have been there.. either to perform or just to attend
Thanks, Jeff…we missed you, too. Heath dumped us for a paid gig. I tried to warn him about Karma. I don’t even want to think about what’s headed his way!;-)