Tomorrow is a big day…one of those “milestone days” you talk about the rest of your life. My kindergartener, Nate is visiting the lower elementary class at school. Sort of a practice day for this fall when he’s not my baby anymore. If you ask him now, he’ll emphatically tell you, “I”M NOT A BABY ANYMORE!” then 15 minutes later ask me to pick him up to “snuggle” like we did when he was little.” {sigh}
Nate is 5 1/2. I love 5 1/2. Young enough to still want to cuddle with Mommy in the cozy corner of the couch but old enough to wipe his own butt…well, most of the time. Zeke is 2 1/2. I’m not a big fan of 2 1/2. Thinks he’s old enough to do everything by himself and has a body-writhing, strangers-staring-at-you-in-judgement tantrum if you don’t let him… AND he’s still in diapers.
While the kindergarteners are previewing all the exciting and challenging work in their new class, Zeke and the other Montessori “newbies” will be clearing shelves, screaming for Mom and terrorizing class pets. I’m supposed to drop him off at 9:30am and pick him up at 11:00. Well, let’s see…I’ve brought him to the gym daycare and I get buzzed to get him usually after 22 mins. Long enough for him to play with a few toys, check out the video playing on the TV and drink his cup of soymilk. I’m taking bets for tomorrow. The teachers are awesome and there are lots of things in the class that will interest him…I give him 27 minutes.
No Comments “Look out Montessori, here comes Zeke!”
Oh, my, poor Montessori… 27 minutes, huh? I give him 19 min. because he has been there before and knows that you will come and get him as soon as they buzz you!
I can’t believe that Nate is getting big enought to be leaving you, I remember those days – sniff, sniff – pretty soon he will be driving.
Good luck and have a great day, I want photos.
Guess what? He lasted the entire hour and 1/2 and was a stellar student! That proves it: Kids act way different with strangers then with their parents. I’m thinking that’s how the SuperNanny does it!