Mark and I used to be cool. We were “Swing Kids“. We wore vintage clothes; danced at cool clubs and hung out with other cool people.
That was before kids. Now we are so NOT cool. We are comfortable.
We wear “cozy” clothes that won’t hold onto stains that our boys wipe on us. I saw the snuggie commercial and had to fight the urge to buy it with every ounce of good taste left in my Mom body.
It doesn’t stop there. Mark and I used to own antiques. Beautiful 200 year old dressers and armoires. Gone. Sold to make room for Ikea shelves that would store LEGOS and playdoh. I now own a table painted with chalk-board paint.
And the art….Oh, the art. I had real art hanging on my walls, people!
My favorite artist, Itzchak Tarkay has been replaced with:
“The Rules” by some Mom tired of saying them for the umpteenth time.
My kitchen “art”:
I may be eating dinner in a cozy pair of yoga pants, surrounded by Danish pieces of wood connected with an allen wrench BUT…
my boys are sitting up straighter at the table and (gasp) did my 5 year old just put his napkin in his lap?
I guess I’ll get my antiques back someday but for now, I have to admit, THIS feels pretty darn good:
Yes, that would be a Love Sac (Sigh)
8 thoughts on “My kids stole my taste…”
Who are you kidding? You are still the cool ones.
Thanks for talking me off the ledge, Carl! As long as YOU think I’m cool, I can go on.
Oh my heavens! I too used to don vintage clothes (I love, love, love your picture by the way) now they all hang in the closet with no where to go to wear them! I too love antiques and artwork…they are all still around..just beat to crap and bear no resemblance to what they were when I first got them! LOVE this post!!
Thanks, Melissa! I knew we had more in common than munchkins.
You’re a cool Mom, and that’s going make a lasting impression on your very lucky boys….
omg…. I have the same family rules painting on my wall in the living room! Too Funny.
Thanks, Maggie and Dawn. I think if we Moms form our own “gang” we’ll seem cool to each other.