As most of you know, Nate’s BFF lost his battle with brain cancer this past May. As hard as this was for all of us, we’ve chosen to keep fighting! Noah wasn’t able to receive the protocol named after him, but other children are waiting.
Noah’s Light Foundation is supporting this research as well as support for siblings and families of the children diagnosed.
Chase bank is giving away $250,000. to the charity with the most votes!!! They had trouble with the site in the beginning, so we’re having to ask everyone to vote again. Will you please take a few minutes to help? It costs you NOTHING!! Thank you so much. (See instructions below…)

Hello, Noah’s Light Foundation friend, Wow, we’ve seen an overwhelming amount of support on our website and Facebook page! But our Chase Giving votes seem to be falling behind, if you have had trouble voting, my deepest apologies!I received this from Chase –
We are sorry for this. We experienced some technical difficulties earlier in the program but then have since been fixed. Please have your followers vote again.
Thanks for your patience,
Chase Community Giving Team
Please, don’t give up, I still believe we can still make a difference for these kids!
The Good News! We still have 6 day’s until Noah’s birthday and the voting ends –
I have some tips this time:
How to Vote –
- Log into or sign-up on Facebook. Click this link and hit “Vote” – You may have to “Allow Application”
Yeah! You voted for Noah’s Light Foundation. If you don’t have “bonus votes”, then you are done.
- If you have bonus votes, then you have to vote your second vote on someone other than NLF :-(, then come back to Noah’s Light Foundation and use the bonus!
- If you are a Chase customer, you can go to to, log in, and earn another bonus vote!
- After you vote, please be sure to ask your friends to vote and forward it to:
- All of Your Friends
- Your Company Directory
- Your LinkedIn
- Your Church Directory
- Your Email address book
- Your Client Database
- Post and Share on Facebook (when friends follow your link – you get more times to vote)
- Tweet it

- You tube it
- Share it with your School
- Post it on your Blog
- Post it on others blogs… share, share, share!
(Note: if you search for us, please use the search term “Noahs Light”)
Keep trying – we can’t give up on these kids!
Amber |