Not everyone is a dog person. I get that. But what kind of sad and miserable life must you have had to become such a vindictive, curmudgeon that you feel the need to bag up dog poop and place it on someone’s doorstep?! I mean, come on!!!!
First, I should tell you that I am a militant pooper-scooper. I carry doggie poop-bags in a cute little designer poop-bag tote. I have given MANY people lectures on what dog poop can do to our water system if left in our yards. My boys can bag a poop in 4.5 seconds flat. (Yes, we timed them…how else do you get kids to pick up poop if it’s not a game / competition?)
Having said that, I can tell you that beyond a shadow of a doubt…that dog poop was NOT left by Wickette or our new foster.
Even though I know that, it bugs me to no end that someone in my neighborhood thinks I let my dogs do a poop-n-dash.
IT WASN’T ME!!! (er…I mean…my dogs)
At least this dope left the poop in a bag. (That’s the passive part) I guess it could’ve been worse, a Texas couple was SHOT and killed by their neighbor over dog poop. Get a life, people!
I decided to just suck it up and let the poop-vigilanty get out their hostility, albeit misplaced, UNTIL…I woke up this morning to find a SECOND bag left on my porch! OK, the gauntlet has been thrown:
I have to tell you that was NOT my first draft. I had to rewrite it when I remembered that my sons would be reading it when they got home from school. I’m just not ready to explain what certain words mean in the grown-up world.
PS The poop is so small, I don’t even think it’s dog poop. I think this ignoramus is actually leaving raccoon poop on my porch. DUH!!!
14 thoughts on “Passive / agressive dog poop…”
Wow, there are no words for the other person. Seriously not only do they need a lesson on being a neighbor, but perhaps on poop size.
Reblogged this on Mark Absher and commented:
Too funny…
Surveillance camera needed to ID the passive aggressive A-hole. Ridiculous!
Ooooo…good idea, Phillip! Then we could post video on youtube and start a shame campaign…or get a sponsor and make $$$!
If they like to pick up poop so much, maybe you should leave them a business card for the pet rescue you foster for!
I’m loving that idea, Barb!
I love the way you’re handling this!!
LMAO!!!!! This has got to be one of the top 10 best dog poop stories ever!
Sounds like those web cams could pay for themselves in satisfaction. Do it!
Oh, this is great Maryellen! I can’t wait to hear how this turns out. I could hear the music at the end “dut, dut, duh….” and then a To Be Continued….
Maybe you should put a bag of your dogs poop out to let them know the difference. Tell them it is a gift so that they can tell the difference,LOL
Love the heart.
You go girl! I would do the same thing. Maybe a security cam next–catch the pooper dropper in mid drop!