I have to say, Nate & Zeke have been pretty patient during this 3 month “swingset” construction. It certainly helps when the yard is transformed into a giant sand box for a few weeks and then magically changed into a huge mud-pit when it rained. Fun for them…not so much for me.

Sometimes I forget that Nate is only 4. (and he’s a boy)
“Nate, you can go outside and watch the construction, but please don’t get dirty. Nate? Nate?” “Yes, Mommy?” “Did you hear me?” I asked. “Yes, Mommy.” he nods. “What did I just tell you?” “I don’t know.” he shrugs. {sigh} “Nate…look at me please…” I say, trying to do cleansing breaths. “I AM looking at you.” “With your eyes, Nate. You can’t just turn your face to me and still look at the tractor with your eyes!” “OK, OK, OK…I’m looking at you, Mommy”. “Listen very carefully…please don’t get dirty. That means, don’t TOUCH the mud. Don’t go NEAR the mud. Don’t even THINK about the mud. Understand?” He looks up at me with this smirk on his face and says, “I’m thinking about the mud!” I was trying to be serious but how can you not laugh at that?
4 1/2 minutes later, I hear a knock on the back door. I go to the door and there stands Nate, stripped down to his underwear, covered in mud. “Nate! I told you not to touch the mud!” “I didn’t touch the mud, Mommy…I fell and the mud touched me.” {sigh} I took another deep breath and counted to 10. “Mommy! You counted all the way to 10…good job!” he praised. {sigh} “Thank you Nate. Nate? Where are your clothes?” “I took them off and hid them so you wouldn’t see all the mud on them.” he said, proudly.
At least the patio is in now. That means the only mud left is in the planter beds.

No Comments “Swingless in Celebration…”
Girl…it’s been so fun catching up and all your family! The backyard is looking good! Good job! I cannot wait to see you all in just a couple of weeks! Super Super excited!
xoxoxo, jen
Just discovered your blog! I have been reading the entries and laughing my butt off! It’s like we’re living parallel lives or something! =) (Except I can’t talk my husband into getting the swingset…so you’re farther along than me!).
Thanks for the laughs, and I’m looking forward to more!