Halloween started in July for us. Mark was offered the job of Art Director of Busch Garden’s Howl-O-Scream this year and jumped at it. Was it because he wanted to make scary mazes for the masses or because he got to live in a hotel like a bachelor all summer? […]
3 posts
Nate & Zeke turn Zombie after seeing Hotel Transylvania. (With a little help from my camera’s flash) My “Mommy & Me” review is here: COMEDY FILM NERDS .
I will admit some fault. I did choose 2 days before Halloween to change my hair color. None-the-less… Being asked by SEVERAL women, “Wow! You really go all out for Halloween, huh?” still felt like a sucker punch to the gut. Thanks, “Sistas”. Way to make a girlfriend feel “Witchy”. […]