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No Comments “Under Construction…just like my life!”
Love your blog! Please write more soon-
Hey girlie! Love Love Love your blog! It’s about time right?? I can’t wait to see you next month…let’s pray I’m not still sick! I miss you guys! xoxo
so there i was back in ’02, laughing so hard i peed (sorry) and calling everyone i knew to tell them to turn on comedy central and watch this awesome funny chic on lounge lizards. i taped it, then accidentally taped over it (it was quantum leap tho, so forgive me?). then poof, didn’t see you anymore and i was so sad. then saw you and got to meet you and photograph your performance at milwaukee’s summerfest back in 02 or 03 (don’t remember which) and then nothing…didn’t see you anymore since then.
i cannot tell you how ELATED i am, how HARD i’m smiling right now. i googled you and here you are! I LOVE GOOGLE. i found the lounge lizard video online and i just spent the BEST HALF HOUR LAUGHING TIL MY TOES CRAMPED. i’ve been quoting you for 7 yrs…”it’s a comb, not a wand” with my daughter….”tarantula be gone”…..”how bout a black marker, don’t fall in”….sad, yes but i knew the whole stand up routine by heart. LOVE your silliness. I still have the pic of you and i from backstage at the summerfest gig, i asked you if you’d do a charlie’s angels’ pose with me and you did, it was so fun. anyways, it’s 1 am, i’m babbling, or rambling…whatever it is nyquil induces. i’m just tickled pink to find your blog online…i can’t wait to see your blogs!!!!! write more more more! hell, write a book!!!! maryellen it’s SO good to “see” you again, even if it is just to see your blog and your website online! come to Madison WI to our comedy club sometime! I’ll bring everyone I know. I’ll grab some strangers too, I don’t mind. haha
luv and lots of stupid-omgodish giggles,
What a great blog, I first met on NCL cruise line and happened to see her show, the next day she was sitting along having some lunch and I asked to join her, we have been email bud’s ever since, she is the kind of person I like having in my life, even tho it is at a distance, I love her humor and her great outlook on life, it is people like her you want in your life for every…..Bill
This is so great!! I love seeing the pictures!!! I can totally hear your voice in my head when I’m reading this. Keep it coming!!
I have a friend who was married to a herpatologist. He followed snakes and gopher tortoises around everywhere! When I would go to her house – they would be boiling snake bones to clean them so they could keep them in the house on display (do snakes have bones?)
No wonder I never run into you anymore – You’re in Florida! Next time you’re in LA, stop and say hello.
I miss you guys and love the blog, I can keep up with what’s happening. Your children are just beautiful.
Love you,
Very funny! Hard to believe it’s been over 20 years, kiddo. Keep us all laughing. Loved the expression on your face while touching the snake! You’re going to be a GREAT Mommy.
Great beginnings. I love the “daddy killed the snake next to my feet with his shot gun” picture. No wonder you waited until Mr. Right came along – what a hero. (Only two years of therapy before being able to find him?! I’m impressed – you know my latest mistake. Years and years of therapy and at least I can say; “I made a mistake.” and move on.) Maybe you could sew a snake cape for Nate. Dead snake, craft and next Halloween’s costume too. Hey, my house was used as a green room for Marisa Tomai (splg.) and John C. Riley! The garage was used for extras. I had to clean up the last of the remodel stuff. Thanks for the Ikea book cases. Maggie
Hey MaryEllen! Love the new blog. I tried one once, but it just turned into insane political rantings. I stepped back and read what I had posted for a few years, and realized I would never be able to be elected to any office, and might be a suspect if any of our elected officials “disappeared”. One should not blog and rant unsupervised.
You had me hooked with the first couple of lines and I just kept reading. Honestly….you should write a book. The wedding photo takes me back to when I met you and Mark at the Bridal Show in Pasadena. I can help you with the scrapbook thing. If you can blog….you can make digital Storybooks! Your family is precious and I can’t wait to help you fill Storybooks with your wonderful photos!!!
Hey Maryellen,
So glad you have another way to communicate. Your voice is so funny, I can hear it in my head as I read. Very funny takes on life…and I love the photos of you, Mark and the boys. What a great-looking family!
Keep on bloggin’!
Hi sweetheart! Yes, I remember you telling me about your future husband who is your best friend. How wonderful! And now two angels as well. You are blessed. And although we hadn’t seen each other in 10 years when I last saw ya (On the Seaward for NCL), I can never thank you enough for directing me towards the path to a healthier life… Congrats on your Blog! It rocks!
Hi Maryellen……tons of fun reading your blogs, makes me think of myself and my lunatic fringe like life in my 40’s with hubby and small kids. Keep it up!
Oh my goodness Maryellen, you’ve done it again!!! Found one more way to keep all folks healthy with the best medicine of all…HUMOR
The pictures of your family speak a thousand words of LOVE. They must be extremely proud of you, as I know I am. You’re not just a comedian…You are the whole package girl !!!