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As my journey as a Mom continues, I’ve been noticing that my frustrations have been on a steady incline. Not with motherhood in general, we all know our kids will frustrate us every day, all day, infinity. I’m talking about frustration with other Moms. (Other Dads are included in this, so don’t start raising your hands with objections.) Not just with Moms I know…I’ve seen some stuff in Target that made me put myself in a time out so I didn’t end up on the news. There needs to be some rules. A set of “What to dos” in social situations. So I’ve decided to take it upon myself to start such a list. I’m calling it “Mommy Protocols” Please feel free to add your nominations for the list in the comments box. If I use yours, I’ll send you a present, and hug your neck.
I’m not starting small. Number 1 on the list is the reason for the list…my proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back” so here goes:
Mommy Protocols
1. If we attend your kid’s birthday party and your kid pushes my kid off the water slide and then BITES him in the thigh so hard it does this:
Not only should you try to help me with ice/band aids, but you should be apologizing the entire time. THEN you should call my house at LEAST once to see how my kid is doing.
(sigh) There’s an entire list of other things you should do, but I guess we need to start with the basics first.
7 thoughts on “Mommy Protocols”
Holy Moly! She definitely needed to call you and take her kid home immediately. I’m so sorry that happened to you guys.
Oh hell, yes!!
What is wrong with that other child’s mom???
Hope your little one is OK.
Oh my god. I can’t imagine the mother not apologizing and/or making the kid apologize and leave his/her own party. But I’m Canadian. I made my son apologize to the baristas at a coffee shop when he knocked over a sign while being silly and not listening to me. If that mother were Canadian, she would have her passport revoked and would receive a stern letter of reprimand from the Prime Minister’s office. And perhaps a slap from an RCMP officer, who would then apologize for having to deliver the slap.
Maybe I need to move to Canada, Stephanie!
Aa child I use to bite big time and it embarrassed my mother and realy ticked her off that I had such a nasty & mean habbit. She finally had to bite me just as hard to stop me from doing it anymore after I drew blood. My grandson started biting and it is quite embarrasing that he did that, I can’t see how that mother wasn’t embarrased that her child did that to another kid. At some point we need to take responsibility for our kids actions… it does reflect on us. I am so sorry that you had to deal with that kind of a situation, is Zeek ok? Did he need a tetnus shot? I totaly understand your anger in the situation, you have & had every right to be angered!!!!
Grrrr!! My nephew was head-butted on the playground before school one morning. It resulted in life-saving emergency surgery for him, which had to be repeated ten years later. The offender’s mother never showed one bit of concern, no call, no apology, NOTHING. I’m STILL MIFFED! This really stirs it up for me again.
Looking forward to more Mommy Protocols!
I’m not a Mommy but a very hands-on aunty so here’s mine. If the kids are playing basketball and your daughter rips Band-Aid off my nephew’s arm (doing more damage than the burn it covered), just so that he would lose posession of the ball to her. Know that your little masochist is never allowed on my property ever again. Especially since your response was an ah-well shrug complete with head tilt.